Patent awarded to ID R&D for securing voice interactions with biometrics and liveness
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February 11, 2023

Patent awarded to ID R&D for securing voice interactions with biometrics and liveness

ID R&D has been granted a patent for a technology bringing continuous, multi-modal biometric authentication to chatbots and virtual assistants by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The patent describes a chat session in which multiple biometrics are checked passively throughout, retaining a natural user experience while confirming that the chatbot is interacting with a real human being, and their identity.

The ‘System and Method for Multi-Modal Continuous Biometric Authentication for Messengers and Virtual Assistants’ patent has been awarded just as chatbot prototype ChatGPT makes the advances in ‘conversational intelligence’ clear to the business community and the general public.

“ID R&D has had a keen eye on how biometrics will be used in the future, and core to our mission is to improve security without compromising the experience,” comments Alexey Khitrov, CEO and Co-founder of ID R&D. “We have long anticipated the rise of chatbot usage and are proud to be leading the way in securing this exciting and fast-growing area of conversational AI from the onslaught of fraud.”

Capgemini forecasts that 70 percent of consumers will turn to voice assistants instead of visiting physical shops and banks in the next three years, according to the announcement, and consumer spending via chatbots is exploding.

Voice biometrics and liveness detection ideal for securing those interactions, ID R&D says. The company has won numerous awards for its voice biometrics and liveness, both on their own and combined.

The technology will be presented by ID R&D in a webinar on ‘Securing Identity in a World of Virtual Humans,’ hosted by Biometric Update, on February 15 at 12pm ET. The company’s products will be demonstrated at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2.

huang yi
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