Pangea deploys AI stress detection system for Southeast Asia government
Biometric News & Events


March 22, 2023

Pangea deploys AI stress detection system for Southeast Asia government

Pangea has announced that a Southeast Asia government organization will employ its Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for analyzing psycho-physiological indicators.

The technology will identify and decode psychological stress situations, often called visual stress detection and analysis, the company says.

According to Pangea, the system was developed at the cost of millions of dollars and, with a significant number of years invested, can detect stress levels by analyzing real-time video. This technology can detect a person’s stress level in response to questions and differentiate between real people and deep fakes.

“Many countries are currently facing mounting challenges in the realm of crime as well as unprecedented congestion at airports, land and sea border crossings,” says Amir Dagan, the head of visual stress analysis at Pangea. “AI can successfully address these challenges by shortening and improving the efficiency of the checkup and investigation processes.”

Additionally, Pangea says the system can detect various psycho-physiological parameters that provide valuable AI-driven insights on a subject investigation, event analyses, authenticity and reliability assessments. Operators using Pangea’s AI solution will get real time voice or text alerts regarding abnormal psycho-physiological levels and can immediately form an evaluation of the subject’s reliability, the company says.

The system has already been sold in 15 countries worldwide and the company has filed patents, one of which was granted and two more that are close to approval, company executives say.

“These capabilities have proven themselves in every country the system has been implemented,” Dagan adds.

Pangea says the accuracy rate of visual stress analysis technology employed by Pangea is over 90 percent. The Southeast Asian government organization in question has not yet been disclosed.

Further, Pangea acquired this technology in 2022 when the company acquired the assets of Sensority, a startup that developed Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The company also holds contracts with several governments to produce biometric passports, most recently signing a deal with the DRC worth up to $70 million.

huang yi
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