Biometrics Institute launches free online course on good implementation practices
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March 31, 2023

Biometrics Institute launches free online course on good implementation practices

A new online course has been introduced for people interested in the ethics and good practices that should go into implementing a biometric system.

The Biometrics Institute describes its new Biometrics Essentials course as a learning tool for people in a wide range of public and private sector fields, as well as those interested in pursuing a career in biometrics. Course material is based on the Institute’s Good Practice Framework.

The course is free and available to all, unlike some Biometrics Institute resources that are only offered to members.

The course takes approximately an hour to complete, and participants who complete are granted a certificate.

The course takes the form of a hypothetical scenario in which the person taking the course plays the part of an individual making pubic policy decisions. The scenario involves a fact-finding mission in response to a public relations emergency, as depicted by animated characters that look like Lego.

In the course of this scenario, basic concepts in biometrics, such as the distinction between verification and identification, are introduced. Different modalities are introduced, with participants given the option to read further about each.

“Over the past 21 years, we have been providing better education on biometrics,” says Isabelle Moeller, chief executive officer of the Biometrics Institute. “We are therefore thrilled to offer this user-friendly programme to professionals wanting to expand their knowledge and skills in biometrics. With the rapid growth and adoption of biometrics in various industries, it is more important than ever for users, suppliers and others considering the implementation of biometrics to have a strong understanding of this technology. Our Biometrics Essentials learning tool is designed to provide everyone with the knowledge and skills they need to mitigate risk in this field.”

huang yi
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