Innovatrics ranks number one in world in NIST latent fingerprint testing
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December 26, 2023

Innovatrics ranks number one in world in NIST latent fingerprint testing

Multimodal biometrics provider Innovatrics has announced it has ranked number one in the NIST Evaluation of Latent Friction Ridge Technology (ELFT) test, making its latent fingerprint algorithm the most accurate in the world.

The algorithm reached a rank-1 hit rate of 93.3 percent. Hit rate is derived from FNIR – false negative identification rate. It represents the percentage of times when the correct subject is at or above a rank in the candidate list. Only eight companies submitted algorithms to the ELFT benchmark. Innovatrics outpaced all of them, including Idemia, Thales, Neurotechnology, Dermalog and NEC, for the lowest FNIR.

The biometric analysis of latent fingerprints – fingerprints left at crime scenes – is the most widely used method in forensic labs, with results reviewed manually.

Innovatrics CEO Ján Lunter contributed a guest post analyzing the use of AI in criminal investigations to Biometric Update in November.

“For law enforcement purposes, ours is now the most accurate algorithm for latent fingerprint matching,” explains ABIS business unit director Matus Kapusta at Innovatrics.

Innovatrics also ranked top in accuracy for all categories of the NIST ELFT Innovation Nutrition Report.

In September, Innovatrics ranked first in the ELFT benchmark with a rank-5 hit rate of 95.1 percent.

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