India offers digital infrastructure to the world, launches innovation showcases
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March 7, 2023

India offers digital infrastructure to the world, launches innovation showcases

India is using its Presidency of the G-20 to invite international adoption of its ‘India Stack,’ which includes the world’s largest digital ID program. A pair of global programs are also being launched to support digital innovation.

The Digital India Alliance (DIA) program will see over 170 start-ups showcase innovative solutions in different sectors of the tech space. The program has been launched alongside a campaign which seeks to promote online safety by encouraging cyber security best practices.

The programs were announced by India’s Union Minister of Electronics and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw. The Minister also invited countries around the world to set up rights-sharing agreements with India to adopt India Stack solutions like its Unified Payments Interface, which connects with the Aadhaar national digital identity system to enable real-time transfers based on mobile numbers.

Apart from G-20, the DIA will see the participation of nine other invitee countries, according to The Hindu.

Per the publication, 174 startups will be expected to submit entries for their digital innovation solutions in six sectors which include Edtech, Healthtech, Agritech, Fintech, secured digital infrastructure and circular economy.

The DIA event is slated for three days in August 2023 in the city of Bengaluru.

For the online safety Program, the minister says the idea is principally to create more awareness among individuals on the lingering cyber risks in an increasingly digitized world.

Vaishnaw also announced India’s plans to launch a telecoms stack.

In November 2022, India’s PM Narendra Modi, while addressing a G-20 summit in Bali, called on the bloc’s leaders to support digital inclusion efforts for the common good.

huang yi
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